Wallabes Are Getting Stoned
Image by spakattacks via Flickr
Additional sources show this type of animal drug use is not isolated to wallabes - deer and sheep have both also been known to wander in slow-moving circles after contact with the poppy fields.
Elephants have been known to raid villages in India and elsewhere searching for moonshine rice beer. These destructive pachyderms have killed hundreds of villagers while looking for a good time, and many have met their own end in their lust for a good stiff drink, including some which were electrocuted.
Reports of UK sheep chowing down on psilocybin - magic mushrooms - have surfaced, although there remain questions of what has caused these isolated incidents from being more prevalent.
Studies at McGill University, known as a party school, have examined the effect of alcohol on monkeys. This follows repeated reports of vervet monkeys stealing drinks from tourists in St. Kitts, after developing a taste for booze.
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