Welcome to my blog. This is my space to rant about the important issues of our day, with a focus toward those that aren't getting their fair share in the mainstream media. And yeah, I may occassionally delve into the muddy cesspool of entertainment news, but hey, I'm only human. Check this space for a list of past and future topics. Feel free to comment on entries or email me suggestions. Cheers! Wes Kellar
Past Issues: Media Concentration 1 and 2 Access to Reproductive Technology 1 Drugged Animals 1 Alberta Tar Sands 1 Stephen Harper's War on Gay Pride 1 Stephen Harper Visits The Pope 1 Sherlock Holmes (2009) 1 The Secret Homosexual Handshake 1 Alice In Wonderland (2010) 1
Future Issues: RFID MSG and Aspartame Age Discrimination for Tubal Ligation The Fight for Fair Copyright Canadian Blood Services Discrimination