Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lost in the City

McFog the mascot of SFUImage via Wikipedia

So I went with the friend I am staying with in Vancouver downtown so she could run some errands. She dropped me off at the library so I could do a bit of nErdy stuff (update my blog, check my email, hopefully find a new book or two to devour while I am here). On the way in we passed by some awesome grafiti (pics to follow). Then she dropped me off and said "meet you here in an hour and a half" and vanished into the throngs. 20 seconds later I realized the library, part of Simon Fraser University, was closed for a summer break. So now here I was, completely lost in a strange city, with no where to go and nothing to do for an hour - surely I couldn't get into much trouble, could I?

After getting forcibly removed from the hallway outside the library (where I had planned to camp out with my laptop) by campus security ("But I'm from Ontario," I insisted. "Do you want me to get my taser out?" he responded.), I began hoofing it about, trying to look like I belonged. After nearly getting hit by a car (the driver's fault), and stumbling into a drugged-out crazy pregnant woman (definitely my fault), I decided the best thing to do would be to find somewhere to sit down where I wouldn't be in danger of a) getting shanked b) accidentally shanking someone.

[By the way, the pic on the right is purpotedly of McFog (!!!!!????), the mascot of SFU. Awesome.]

More to come.
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